Monday, March 23, 2009

Press Release: Launch of my new website

I'm extremely happy to announce the press release about the launch of my new website.

Hope to see you there!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Earth Day Celebrations In The Houston Area

With 'going green' becoming more and more popular, Earth Day 2009 is sure to be a hit in every city. Earth Day is the annual celebration of the environment and it falls on April 22. The US version of Earth Day was founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970. Fresh off the heels of the protests of the 1960s, Earth Day 1970 boasted 20 million participants - all sharing the common goals of being kind to the earth and treading lightly upon the resources we have. Today, the April 22 Earth Day is celebrated by 500 million people in more than 170 countries.

Folks in the greater Houston area can get in on Earth Day events as well. To find out how and where, read more here.

How To Find Discount Hotels and Lodging

Many vacationers will soon be feeling the pinch when it comes to outlining their vacation plans. Despite the present state of economy, there are still many ways of finding cheap and affordable options when it comes to vacation lodging. Knowing how to look, where to look, and when to book are keys to getting the very best deal possible. Here are ten ways to ensure you get the best lodging deals when booking your next vacation.

To read the complete list of tips, go here.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Well, sort of.

I've been toying with the idea of creating my own website for my writing ventures. Presently, it's in the awkward in between stage of being hosted on temporary site before transitioning to its own corner of Cyberspace.

But it's up..and functional.

Things have slowed down some so I am once again able to take on new clients - the perfect time for creating the website.

So here's the link to the site and kindly keep me in mind if you have a need for a writer in the future.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Forget the conspiracy BS - where's the murder charge?

I have long been under the assumption that Howard K. Stern was responsible for Anna Nicole's death. And I believe he's reponsible for the death of her son, too.

Yesterday, he and Anna's doctor were arrested in California on 'conspiracy' charges.

Anna Nicole Smith’s boyfriend Howard K. Stern and two doctors were charged Thursday with giving thousands of prescription drugs to the former Playboy playmate in the years leading up to her 2007 fatal overdose.

“These individuals repeatedly and excessively furnished thousands of prescription pills to Anna Nicole Smith, often for no legitimate medical purpose,” California Attorney General Edmund G. Brown said in a statement.

I'm not sure if she chose to take the drugs or if there was a lot of, "Here - you need this" going on to the point where she did felt like she needed them. But even if she chose to take the drugs, there comes a point in time where a reasonable person would gather that you've had too many and you need to back off the shit. You don't continue feeding an addicted person's addiction.

There's no conspiracy. She was DYING and these fuckwits continued to ARM her with the means, in lieu of intervening. When you're witness to a murder and you don't report it - even if you had no part in it - the fact that YOU WERE PRESENT makes you just as guilty as the person doing the killing. You don't reload the gatdamned gun for them and then turn around and say, "I didn't do anything."

HKS killed the son first, to get him out of the way as heir to her fortune. Then he killed ANS to get at said fortune. The only reason he didn't kill the baby is because he thought, by some stretch of the imagination, that either she was his bio daughter or that he would be awarded custody of her...and still be sitting pretty due to being managing conservator over ANS's fortune after it was awarded to her kid.

What a farkin' waste.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Are you a Twit?

I am - although I don't update my Twitter as much as I'd like. If you don't have an account yet, here's an article I wrote recently, explaining the ins and outs.

Twitter is a microblogging site that lets you update people about what's going on in your world in 140 characters or less. Well, what's microblogging? Microblogging is just what the name implies - blogging on a smaller scale. These small scale messages are called Tweets. Users can send
and receive updates with folks on their friend list, much like on the Facebook application, without having to go through the process of reading and/or posting an entire blog entry.

You can read the rest here.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Two new writing venues

I've just started ghostwriting for Text Broker and will begin writing Front Page Houston on in the coming days.

If anyone is currently a writer for either venue, stop by and say hello!

As always, you can find my most recent Associated Content pieces on the widget to your right.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Frugal Shopping in Beaumont, Texas

In these times of shaky economy and uncertain finances, folks all over the country are exploring new avenues of stretching their dollar by cutting out the fluff. The good news is that shoppers in and around Beaumont, Texas can still keep a little fluff in
their budgets by knowing how to shop, where to shop, and when to shop. Educate yourself with the following tips.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I *will* be productive tomorrow..I *will*!

Spring has sprung and I have not.

I have no excuse. I've just been lazy.

Okay, not really lazy - because lazy would imply that I haven't been doing anything at all and I have.

I've been doing what very little absolutely has to be done each the way of household stuff and errands/bill paying.

The rest of my time has been devoted to getting back into the habit of writing and toying with the idea of ACEOs. Well, and following the Casey Anthony case and researching dirt on her.

I've been meaning to do SO many things - like take up photography again. And varying degrees of spring cleaning.

But yet, here I sit.

Tomorrow, that changes.

I will plant the tomato plants I have been neglecting for three days.
I will take out and use my camera I have been neglecting for three months.
I will knock out at least two nagging small tasks I have been putting off forever.

Unless the mechanic calls to tell me my car is ready.

Then this schedule is subject to change without notice.