Friday, January 30, 2009

I was right about the Vagina Tax!

I have stood by the notion that the reason prostitution is illegal is because the feds haven't found a way to tax the vagina yet. Here's the proof:

*Cue the theme music from The Dukes of Hazzard*

Here’s a tax tip you don’t hear often: Don’t forget to report illegal income from prostitution and other nefarious activities.

Prosecutor Charles Escher said in court that Jones and his business, Amazing Promotions Group Inc., collected the cash from the safes at the six houses he called Escape Lounges. Escher said the prostitutes put Jones’ cut of their earnings in envelopes and put them in those safes.

But unlike many who run afoul of the Internal Revenue Service, Jones didn’t get into trouble by keeping bad records.

The government knew about his ill-gotten income because a Houston police raid on the Escape Lounges in 2004 netted financial spread sheets. Escher said details included records that Jones claimed an income of $140,000 in 2003 but actually had an income of about $667,000.
Shebay would not verify that his client ever ran a prostitution ring and said he was not convicted of related activity.

IRS spokeswoman Robin Sabin of Houston suggests Schedule C for the small-business owner and the 1040 line “other income” for the free-lancer. She said this stuff just doesn’t show up on a W2 form.

“You should report your ill-gotten gains just like you report any legal income,” said Sabin.

She said a business name would be fine and that taxpayers needn’t spell out their illegal activity.

Only in Texas, folks.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Confessions of a Teen-Aged Mother

I became a mother at the ripe old age of seventeen. I didn't know what I was doing. I was just a kid on top of just learning the ropes of
motherhood like every new mother has to do. You worry, you go through several rounds of trial and error, you win, you lose, you mess up, and you start over.

But sometimes - you fall asleep.

To finish reading this confession, follow this link.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

CAIRO, Egypt – President Barack Obama chose an Arabic-language satellite TV network for his first formal television interview as president, delivering a message Tuesday to the Muslim world that "Americans are not your enemy."

Obama called for a new partnership with the Muslim world "based on mutual respect and mutual interest." He talked about growing up in Indonesia, the Muslim world's most populous nation, and noted that he has Muslim relatives.

Obama said the U.S. had made mistakes in the past but "that the same respect and partnership that America had with the Muslim world as recently as 20 or 30 years ago, there's no reason why we can't restore that."

I can think of roughly 7,000 reasons why we can't restore that.

2700+, courtesy of the 9/11 attacks and another 4200+ more, courtesy of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Be watchful of the Antichrist, folks. His rise to power has been a long time coming.

Monday, January 26, 2009

iHeartFaces Entry - Week 3, Joy

This picture brings a smile to my face every time I see it. This is my son Isaiah, shortly after he turned a year old. He's in his highchair, eating ice cream. I don't remember what he said or even if he said anything at all - but it always brings to mind the words "Tah dah!"

It was taken with a Kodak Easyshare z700 about two years ago and hasn't been edited.

**Please note: This is as big as I could get it in the blog entry, but if you click the actual picture, it shows up much larger.**

To learn more about this contest, follow this link or just click the button below.

Study finds vaccines *are* safe for kids

I can't tell you how sick to death I am of hearing parents whine about their rights not to have their kids vaccinated against all kinds of childhood uglies. They have an arsenal of reasoning (that only makes sense to them) behind their asinine protests, the majority of which hinge on the inclusion of mercury in some vaccines and its perceived connection to causing autism.

Not so, folks. Not so, for the Nth time, as per yet *another* conclusive study.

CHICAGO — A new study from Italy adds to a mountain of evidence that a mercury-based preservative once used in many vaccines doesn’t hurt children.

In the early 1990s, thousands of healthy Italian babies in a study of whooping cough vaccines got two different amounts of the preservative thimerosal from all their routine shots.

Ten years later, 1,403 of those children took a battery of brain function tests. Researchers found small differences in only two of 24 measurements and those “might be attributable to chance,” they wrote in the February issue of the journal Pediatrics.

Only one case of autism was found, and that was in the group that got the lower level of thimerosal.

“Put together with the evidence of all the other studies, this tells us there is no reason to worry about the effect of thimerosal in vaccines,” said the study’s lead author, Dr. Alberto Tozzi of Bambino Gesu Hospital in Rome.

The debate over thimerosal and autism has been much stronger in the U.S. than in Italy, Tozzi said. The researchers recognized a chance to examine the issue by going back to the children in the whooping cough research.

Thimerosal, used in some vaccines to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungus, hasn’t been in U.S. childhood vaccines since 2001, except for certain flu shots. U.S. health officials recommended the removal of thimerosal as a precaution and to reduce the overall exposure of children to mercury.

“It’s yet another well done, peer-reviewed research study that has demonstrated there is no risk of any neurodevelopmental outcomes associated with thimerosal in vaccines,” said epidemiologist Jennifer Pinto-Martin of the University of Pennsylvania.

Come off it already. How many times do these studies have to be done and reported until these parents wake up and smell the reality?

Yes, I'm aware that it's the parents' right to choose how to raise and rear their children as they see fit and that this includes refusing vaccines. Of the same token, I, as a parent, also have the right to choose when it comes to my children. And I would prefer them not to be exposed to unvaccinated children who have the potential to become carriers of new, mutant strains of diseases that have been all, but erradicated - which may or may not respond to treatments availble now or in the future.

Vaccinate your kids, folks. And if you won't, the next study that needs to be done is for a vaccination for our children against yours.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Why don't more people use the "Follow This Blog" widgit?

Many times I have gone slumming around Blogger and found interesting blogs...but no "Follow This Blog" option.

I know there is always the 'Subscribe to Posts' options, but it's not the same as being able to follow them via your dashboard. I'm finding it very hard to make blog contacts on the Blogger platform because of this issue. Eh.

There are lots of people out there just waiting to follow your blog, folks! Add the widget to make it possible.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Yanno who's just nasty?

Craig Ferguson.

In case you don't know, he's on the Late, Late Show (or something) on CBS after Letterman. He's just lecherous and foul with everything he says. Every other reference out of his mouth is a sex joke. He even talks about his pet names for his penis.

He's in his mid 40s and just married a girl in her early 20s. This, coupled with the things he says, just makes him especially revolting.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A plea to the universe

If you know of any site where I can download music from in WAV form, please let me know! No short clips...and no MP3s.

Thank you kindly in advance.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Virginity up for bids

Fox News is making a big stink about some chick from CA auctioning her virginity online. They're trying to find a way to get her arrested for it because prostitution is illegal.

So to circumvent that, this chick has decided her deflowering will take place at the Bunny Ranch in Nevada. Apparently, she can't be prosecuted because her auction is affiliated with that site, based in Nevada, where prostitution is legal.

So far, the highest bid is reportedly $3.7M. Her ad via the Bunny Ranch's site says she has her own conditions on the offer.

Who's business is it anyway? Why is Fox News butting in on it, trying to get her prosecuted? You can give the shit away so why can't you sell it?

Plain and simple - the feds haven't found a way to tax the vagina yet.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Who is Nancy Grace?

I like Nancy Grace. I watch her show every night. Right now, she's following the Casey/Caylee Anthony case and has been since the inception. I really like her no nonsense style of getting to the facts of the matter at hand.

Recently, I penned an article after researching more about who she is and what she does. Here's an excerpt and a link to the full piece.

Nancy Grace, star of CNN Headline News program of the same name and former host of Court TV's Closing Arguments, is no stranger to the media spotlight and unflattering public opinion. The outspoken television host has come under fire many times in recent memory for her views on several high-profile legal cases, outlandish commentary, and in some cases - accusations of unethical legal practices.

But who IS Nancy Grace?

Nancy Ann Grace was born October 23, 1959 in Macon, Georgia. Her chosen career path was to be an English professor upon her graduation from college, but the murder of her fiance' Keith Griffin when Grace was only 19 years old, acted as the catalyst for starting her career in law. Grace enrolled in and graduated from the Walter F. George School of Law at Mercer University and went on to obtain her Masters degree in criminal law from New York University. Later, she went on to teach business law at Georgia State University College of Law. Nancy Grace was also a Special Prosecutor in the Fulton County, GA District Attorney's office, where she amassed 100 trial victories without a single loss.

You can read the rest here.

Monday, January 12, 2009

I (heart) Faces Entry - Contest One

This is a self-portrait taken with (IMO)the best camera ever created - a Kodak EasyShare Z700. This camera has since met its demise at the hands of my daughter *sigh*

Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to participating in many more of these.

If you don't know about the contest and would like to play along, here's the link.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Interesting Website of The Day - Global Incident Map

The Global Incident Map is a fun place to visit to keep tabs on what's going on in the world. Along with terrorism incident reports and threats (This part is free to look at, but you don't get real time updates w/out paying a fee), there are also incident reports regarding hazardous materials situations, forest fires, and Amber Alerts being issued across the United States. Clicking on an icon of interest will give you information about the incident and, sometimes, a link to a news story about it.

Some of the information is more current that the rest, but some of the maps have a search feature that lets you narrow down incidents within a specific time frame.

At any rate, it's a good site to waste a bit of free time and precious bandwith on.


Friday, January 9, 2009

Here I am

My name is Senobia and I'm from Beaumont, Texas. At one point I was a freelance writer that contributed to a variety of magazines on a regular basis. I've lost interest in that for the most part and what writing I still do is done via content websites.

I'm a single mother of two daughters and one son, aged almost 4 to 15yrs old. 2008 was not kind to me. I had many major life changes that started about June and continued throughout the remainder of the year. I'm not optimistic about 2009 so whatever comes, comes.

I'm loud, outspoken, and have an opinion on most things. My pet topics are abortion, immigration, and domestic violence. I've been here lurking for quite some time and have now decided to take the plunge. I'm looking to expand my online horizons and meet new and active bloggers.

During my tenure in the blogosphere, I've encountered some great people who I enjoy reading about via their lil allotment of bandwith. I hope that trend continues here.

I look forward to reading you!